Review of the 2010 Stud Season

Mar 18, 2011 by

Review of the 2010 Stud Season

Since 2008 the UK horse breeding industry has had to weather the economic storm. After a cold  February we had a good start, breeding more mares by the end of April than the previous year.  The upward trend flattened off and we ended the season with ten more mares than in 2009. We hope we will see a recovery in the industry in 2011.

This year  we have used semen from 135 different  stallions.  Our thanks to all those involved with sending us prompt deliveries of good quality chilled and frozen  semen. We have Stallion AI Services (SAIS) next door, where we have easy access to fresh semen from a wide    variety of quality  stallions. We find that working closely  with SAIS and using new  techniques for optimising  semen quality, we have had greater success in breeding even the most  difficult of ‘problem breeders’.

We had exclusivity on all mares for AI in the UK  to use the frozen semen from the Gold Medal winning stallion, ‘Moorlands Totilas’.  Noelle Lowry our resident vet achieved excellent pregnancy results from the mares that arrived from all over the UK.

This year we have had many top competition mares fitting ET into their busy schedule, including King’s Temptress ridden by Mary King, Limelight de Breve and Beluga ridden by Laura Renwick, and Woodlander Farouche who is ridden by  Michael Eilberg.

We have had an increase in the use of our ‘Transported  Embryo Service’ this year, and have been delighted to work with the referral vets who  carried out the flushes and sent the embryos for us to transfer into our recipient mares.  We also had success with several ‘walk in flushes’ for those who want to breed the mare at home and then bring her to us  to be flushed and transferred to one of our recipient mares. In 2011 we will continue to provide a flexible service with good results for both owners and referring vets.

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